Office of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples
The Office of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples (OTIP) oversees the ACHP’s Indigenous initiatives. OTIP staff also works closely with the ACHP’s Indian Tribe/Native Hawaiian member to address critical issues brought to the ACHP by Indian Tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHOs), and others working within historic preservation.
Indian Tribes Native Hawaiians
Proposed Program Comment to Implement the ACHP Housing and Climate Change Policy Statements
The ACHP is developing a Program Comment on Accessible, Climate-Resilient, and Connected Communities that aims to provide federal agencies with an alternate way to comply with their responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Subjects of OTIP's current focus are:
Training and Guidance
In order to facilitate consultation with Indian Tribes and NHOs, OTIP staff regularly develops guidance materials to assist Indian Tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, federal agencies, and other Section 106 participants. Follow the link Training and Guidance for the ACHP's training and guidance for Indian Tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, and federal agencies.
ACHP Native American Policies
In 1992, the National Historic Preservation Act was amended to include and clarify the roles and responsibilities of Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Responding to the NHPA amendments, the ACHP began a six-year process of revising its regulations and adopted policy statements regarding Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Follow the link ACHP Native American Policies to see or download the Native American policies.
The ACHP, as a federal agency, recognizes the government-to-government relationship between the United States and federally recognized Indian Tribes and acknowledges Indian Tribes as sovereign nations with inherent powers of self-governance. Follow the link Government-to-Government Consultation with Indian Tribes to see the ACHP's documents on the government-to-government relationship.
Native Hawaiian Working Group
Improving consultations on unique issues involving Native Hawaiian organizations is the purpose of the interagency working group established by the Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Defense (DOD), and the ACHP. Follow the link for information on the Native Hawaiian Working Group.
Native American Information Papers
The ACHP’s OTIP staff supports the ACHP in a number of ways, from policy development and project review, training and education, and guidance development to providing information papers about various topics concerning Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Information papers are different than guidance documents and discuss issues that may inform participants in the Section 106 process.
Burial Sites, Human Remains, and Funerary Objects
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation voted unanimously to adopt its new “Policy Statement on Burial Sites, Human Remains, and Funerary Objects” on March 1, 2023 at its winter business meeting in Washington, D.C.
Learn more at ACHP's webpage Burial Sites, Human Remains, and Funerary Objects.
Tribal Treaty and Reserved Rights MOU
From 1778 to 1871, the federal government’s relations with Indian Tribes were defined and conducted largely through the treaty-making process. Through treaty-making, Indian Tribes granted land and other natural resources to the United States, while retaining all rights not expressly granted. These treaties recognized the sovereignty of Indian Tribes. The ACHP along with 16 departments and agencies signed on to a Memorandum of Understanding to determine how they can best protect Tribal treaty rights in their policymaking and regulatory processes.
Other Native American Resources
Follow Other Native American Resources for links to inter-Tribal organizations and other federal agency American Indian or Native Hawaiian programs.
National Historic Preservation Act
36 CFR PART 800 -- Protection of Historic Properties