Christopher Koeppel

  • General Services Administration
    Christopher Koeppel
    Assistant Director
    (202) 517-0222
    General Services Administration

Megan Borthwick

  • United States Forest Service
    • United States Forest Service - Property Management
    Megan Borthwick
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0221
    United States Forest Service
    • United States Forest Service - Property Management

Emily Choi

  • United States Army Corps of Engineers - Regulatory
    • Department of Energy - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Federal Communications Commission
    • Federal Emergency Management Agency
    • Federal Highway Administration - Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Utah
    • Federal Reserve System
    • Indian Health Service
    • Department of Labor
    • National Capital Planning Commission
    • National Endowment for the Arts
    • National Endowment for the Humanities
    • National Science Foundation
    • National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    • Small Business Administration
    • Department of State
    • Surface Transportation Board
    Emily Choi
    Assistant Program Analyst
    (202) 517-0207
    United States Army Corps of Engineers - Regulatory
    • Department of Energy - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Federal Communications Commission
    • Federal Emergency Management Agency
    • Federal Highway Administration - Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Utah
    • Federal Reserve System
    • Indian Health Service
    • Department of Labor
    • National Capital Planning Commission
    • National Endowment for the Arts
    • National Endowment for the Humanities
    • National Science Foundation
    • National Telecommunications and Information Administration
    • Small Business Administration
    • Department of State
    • Surface Transportation Board

Alexis Clark

  • Agricultural Research Service
    • Air National Guard
    • Bureau of Reclamation
    • Farm Service Agency
    • United States Marine Corps
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    • Natural Resources Conservation Service
    • Department of the Navy
    • Presidio Trust
    • Rural Business-Cooperative Service
    • Rural Housing Service
    • Rural Utilities Service
    Alexis Clark
    Assistant Program Analyst
    (202) 517-0208
    Agricultural Research Service
    • Air National Guard
    • Bureau of Reclamation
    • Farm Service Agency
    • United States Marine Corps
    • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    • Natural Resources Conservation Service
    • Department of the Navy
    • Presidio Trust
    • Rural Business-Cooperative Service
    • Rural Housing Service
    • Rural Utilities Service

Katharine Cline

  • Department of the Air Force
    Katharine Cline
    Historic Preservation Specialist
    (202) 517-0225
    Department of the Air Force

Lauren Cooper

  • Department of the Army
    • United States Army Reserve
    • Army National Guard
    Lauren Cooper
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0213
    Department of the Army
    • United States Army Reserve
    • Army National Guard

Christopher Daniel

  • United States Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works
    • Bonneville Power Administration
    • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
    • Department of Energy - Property Management
    • Maritime Administration
    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • Southeastern Power Administration
    • Southwestern Power Administration
    • Tennessee Valley Authority
    • Western Area Power Administration
    Christopher Daniel
    Program Analyst
    (202) 517-0223
    United States Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works
    • Bonneville Power Administration
    • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
    • Department of Energy - Property Management
    • Maritime Administration
    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    • Southeastern Power Administration
    • Southwestern Power Administration
    • Tennessee Valley Authority
    • Western Area Power Administration

Vanessa Hanvey

  • Department of Veterans Affairs
    Vanessa Hanvey
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0224
    Department of Veterans Affairs

Kirsten Kulis

  • National Park Service - Nationwide Program Alternatives for Property Management
    Kirsten Kulis
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0217
    National Park Service - Nationwide Program Alternatives for Property Management

Rodney Parker Jr.

  • Bureau of Land Management
    Rodney Parker Jr.
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0198
    Bureau of Land Management

Bill Marzella

  • Economic Development Administration
    • Department of Energy - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Federal Aviation Administration
    • Federal Transit Administration
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Department of Labor
    • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    • Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    Bill Marzella
    Program Analyst
    (202) 517-0209
    Economic Development Administration
    • Department of Energy - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Federal Aviation Administration
    • Federal Transit Administration
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Department of Labor
    • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    • Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Ana Perez

  • United States Forest Service
    • United States Forest Service - Nationwide Program Alternatives
    Ana Perez
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0210
    United States Forest Service
    • United States Forest Service - Nationwide Program Alternatives

Chris Wilson

  • National Park Service - Property Management
    • Bureau of Indian Affairs
    • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
    • Department of Homeland Security - except for Federal Emergency Management Agency
    • United States Postal Service
    • Smithsonian Institution
    • Department of the Treasury
    Chris Wilson
    Program Analyst
    (202) 517-0229
    National Park Service - Property Management
    • Bureau of Indian Affairs
    • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
    • Department of Homeland Security - except for Federal Emergency Management Agency
    • United States Postal Service
    • Smithsonian Institution
    • Department of the Treasury

Raina Regan

  • National Park Service - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Department of the Interior - Land and Water Conservation Fund
    Raina Regan
    Program Analyst - Liaison
    (202) 517-0202
    National Park Service - Grants, Loans, Approvals
    • Department of the Interior - Land and Water Conservation Fund

Maxwell Sickler

  • Community Development Block Grants
    • Economic Development Administration
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Farm Service Agency
    • Federal Aviation Administration
    • Federal Railroad Administration
    • Federal Transit Administration
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Department of the Interior
    • Natural Resources Conservation Service
    • Rural Business-Cooperative Service
    • Rural Housing Service
    • Rural Utilities Service
    • Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
    Maxwell Sickler
    Assistant Historic Preservation Specialist
    (202) 517-0220
    Community Development Block Grants
    • Economic Development Administration
    • Environmental Protection Agency
    • Farm Service Agency
    • Federal Aviation Administration
    • Federal Railroad Administration
    • Federal Transit Administration
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Department of the Interior
    • Natural Resources Conservation Service
    • Rural Business-Cooperative Service
    • Rural Housing Service
    • Rural Utilities Service
    • Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement