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ACHP Chairman Aimee Jorjani and members of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation are expressing support for several important pieces of legislation that impact historic preservation. The ACHP voted at its summer business meeting on July 10 to support the Preserving America’s Battlefields Act; Restore Our Parks Act/Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act; Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act; and National Heritage Area Act.

Chairman Jorjani sent letters to members of Congress commenting on these bills.

Preserving America’s Battlefields Act - Senate

Zahaira WilliamsThis summer, I was proud to participate in an internship, “Touching History: Preservation in Practice,” which introduces African American students to the field of historic preservation. This program was developed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Hands-On Preservation Experience (HOPE) Crew.


As required by the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is developing a new Strategic Plan and is seeking input from stakeholders. The current Strategic Plan was developed in 2011 and amended in 2014.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is now providing a new online/on-demand course, Early Coordination with Indian Tribes for Infrastructure Projects. The 90-minute course can be completed over a 30-day period.

The course is geared toward applicants for federal permits, licensing, or funding as well as federal permitting agencies and staff.

“Touching History: Preservation in Practice” Program Provides Technical Preservation Experiences for Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Morgan State University (MSU) students are participating in a program this summer that aims to bring young African American students working toward architecture degrees into historic preservation and related career paths.