Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Organizations

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The Columbia River Village of Cathlapotle teaches the present about the past.

The Protection of Indian Sacred Sites

In the Section 106 context, the term “sacred sites” is sometimes used as shorthand for historic properties of religious and cultural significance to Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. As with other kinds of properties, sacred sites must be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in order to be considered in the Section 106 process.

Traditional Cultural Landscapes

In recognition that large scale historic properties of significance to Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations (NHOs) across the United States are increasingly threatened by development, the ACHP launched a Native American traditional cultural landscapes initiative and adopted an action plan in November 2011.

ACHP Policy Statement on Balancing Cultural and Natural Values on Federal Lands (2002)

Federal management of publicly owned lands requires balancing natural and cultural values. This policy statement details the ACHP’s approach to resource management and conflict resolution on federally owned public lands in order to achieve balance between natural and cultural values. This ACHP policy affirms the importance of responsible Federal stewardship of historic properties located within natural areas.

Office of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples

The Office of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples collaborates with many different organizations to educate, train, and advise them on issues affecting Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiians. This office’s staff also participates in the Section 106 review process and provides guidance materials to assist others in the process.

Ohkay Owingeh

Ohkay Owingeh model balances contemporary and traditional life.

Winter Business Meeting Wrap-up

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation had its winter business meeting in San Francisco, California, with three days of engaging with preservationists on the west coast. Council members hosted a listening session at historic Angel Island State Park with more than 20 representatives of the Asian American community to discuss ways to better identify and interpret places important to the nation’s Asian American-Pacific Islander history and bring them into the national historic preservation movement’s consciousness.

Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Treaty Seminar

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes (Tribes) hosted more than 100 federal and state officials on August 24-25 at the Event Center on the Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, for a Treaty Rights Seminar intended to improve the federal trust relationship

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