Department of Agriculture
Forest Service National PA for Phasing Section 106 for Large-Scale, Multi-Year Undertakings, Amendment 1
Executed - December 6, 2021, Amended - December 23, 2024, Expires - December 23, 2039
Forest Service Nationwide PA for Unit Plans and Land Management Plans
Executed - February 25, 1977, Expiration - None
USDA Rural Development Nationwide PA for Sequencing Section 106
Executed - July 2018, Expires - December 31, 2028
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Nationwide PA for Demolition of World War II Temporary Buildings, As Amended
Executed - July 7, 1986, Expiration - None
Navy Nationwide PA for Management of Historic Family Housing Units
Executed - November 17, 2000, Expiration - None
National Guard Bureau Nationwide PA for Army National Guard Readiness Centers Maintenance and Repair and First Amendment
Executed - December 10, 2010, Expiration - December 31, 2030
Department of Homeland Security
Coast Guard Nationwide PA for Outgranting of Historic Lighthouse Properties
Executed - May 10, 1985, Expired - July 24, 1996
Coast Guard Nationwide PA for Outgranting of Historic Lighthouse Properties, First Amendment
Amended - July 24, 1996, Expired - December 16, 2002
Coast Guard Nationwide PA for Outgranting of Historic Lighthouse Properties, Second Amendment
Amended - December 16, 2002 - Expires - None
DHS Nationwide PA for Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Undertakings
Executed - June 25, 2024, Expiration - June 25, 2034
Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUD Nationwide PA for Implementation of Neighborhood Stabilization Program Round 2
Executed - April 7, 2011, Expires - See State Addendum
Department of the Interior
BLM National PA for Compliance with Section 106
Executed - February 9, 2012, Expires - February 9, 2026
NPS Nationwide PA for Compliance with Section 106
Executed - November 14, 2008, Expires - None
NPS Nationwide PA for National Maritime Heritage Grant Program
Executed - November 24, 2014, Expires - November 24, 2024
NPS Nationwide PA for the Battlefield Protection Program's Grants, Second Amendment
Executed - December 13, 2022, Expires - September 30, 2026
NPS Nationwide PA for Cultural Resources Grants and Financial Assistance
Executed - September 6, 2024, Expires - September 30, 2034
Federal Communications Commission
FCC Nationwide PA for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas, Second Amendment
Executed - July 2020, Expires - None
FCC Nationwide PA for Certain Undertakings Approved by the Federal Communications Commission
Executed - October 4, 2004, Expires - None
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Nationwide PA for Implementation of State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Program
Executed - March 28, 1990, Expiration - None
Multiple Departments and Agencies
Multiple Agency Nationwide PA for Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
Executed - April 30, 2001, Expiration - None
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Nationwide PA for Management of NASA Facilities Designated as National Historic Landmarks
Executed - October 6, 1989, Expiration - None
National Endowment for the Arts
NEA Nationwide PA for National Endowment for the Arts Program Grants
Executed - June 20, 2014, Expiration - December 31, 2029