Section 106 Essentials is an 8-hour course  - presented in two four-hour sessions over two days -- for anyone interested in an overview of the Section 106 review process. The course is particularly helpful for managers/decision makers and early-career cultural resources practitioners from federal agencies, State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, applicants in the Section 106 process, and others. This course focuses on applying the vocabulary and principles of the Section 106 review process in real-world scenarios. Small group exercises and knowledge checks will also help participants in the course to:

  • Define common terms in Section 106 reviews,
  • Apply the four-step Section 106 review process to example federal undertakings from your own experience,
  • Practice identifying consulting parties and planning to involve the public,
  • Identify strategies to avoid adverse effects, and
  • Discover the ways to conclude Section 106 reviews.

All courses are taught by ACHP staff with significant practical experience managing Section 106 cases and developing program improvements.

Visit the ACHP's social media channels for video interviews, stories, and special feature articles all throughout May to celebrate America's heritage.

An article written by Mark Wolfe, Texas SHPO and NCSHPO president, is posted on the ACHP website and the link also can be found on the ACHP Facebook page, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Preservation Action hosts National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week March 10-12, 2020 in Washington, D.C. to connect with policy makers in support of historic preservation programs and preservation policy.


More Information

The ACHP will meet in Washington, D.C. to discuss issues of concern to the preservation community. The two-day event will include committee meetings and a general ACHP business meeting.

The ACHP will meet to conduct its fall business on November 6-7, 2019, in Washington, D.C.

The NEW Section 106 Essentials is a one-day course for anyone interested in an overview of the Section 106 review process. The course is particularly helpful for managers/decision makers and early-career cultural resources practitioners from federal agencies, State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, applicants in the Section 106 process, and others.

The NEW Section 106 Essentials is a one-day course for anyone interested in an overview of the Section 106 review process. The course is particularly helpful for managers/decision makers and early-career cultural resources practitioners from federal agencies, State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, applicants in the Section 106 process, and others.

Click here for more information about the Washington, DC course.

PastForward, A Conference of the National Trust for Historic Preservation

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation will hold its spring business meeting on April 4 in the Kennedy Caucus Room of the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. The meeting is open to the public. Click here for the agendas.