Join ACHP Chair Sara C. Bronin and key staff for a Policy Chat on the Climate Change and Historic Preservation Policy Statement to learn more and participate in the discussion.

Climate change is actively threatening communities around the United States. Sea level rise, coastal erosion, and increased wildfires are displacing entire communities and the cultural landscapes they leave behind. Many of the areas at-risk of displacement are made up of marginalized communities, further compounding systemic inequality. Preservationists and cultural resource specialists are responding to this displacement and loss of cultural heritage by partnering with communities to discuss ways to preserve their heritage while providing alternatives for their communities' futures.

The traditional trades field is a great career option for students looking for hands-on engagement within historic preservation. The traditional trades is a diverse field that includes managing, documenting, restoring, and adapting historic structures. From the private sector to government agencies, employers are looking for those with specialized skills to preserve our built heritage.

Many of the historic sites and spaces that are significant to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are underrepresented when it comes to official recognition. Less than 3 percent of the official sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places are associated with AAPI history. Preservation practitioners around the country are advocating for the preservation of sites that represent the culture and history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. At a time when many historic Chinatowns are at-risk of erasure from encroaching development and gentrification, professionals and community members are working together to preserve their heritage for future generations.

Historic Black towns and settlements are communities started by formerly enslaved people after the Civil War. They allowed Black communities the opportunities to purchase land, start businesses, attend schools, serve in elected positions, and foster a sense of community after hundreds of years of enslavement. Many of these historic towns and settlements were violently destroyed by white supremacists during the Jim Crow era. Some scholars argue that up to 1,200 Black towns and settlements were established between the 19th and 20th centuries. Approximately 30 communities continue to exist today. Historic preservation practitioners and other professionals are working to document the histories of these communities and preserve their legacies for generations to come.

The umbrella of positions that fall under the field of historic preservation is wide and broad. This free webinar will demonstrate the many different career paths within the field that speak to various interests.

Section 106 Agreements Seminar is a four-hour single-session course that builds skills in managing consultation and documenting agreed upon steps to resolve adverse effects in a Section 106 review of a federal undertaking. The seminar is designed for cultural resources, environmental, and legal practitioners who are fluent in the Section 106 implementing regulations and the review process.  

More information and to register.

Section 106 Essentials is an 8-hour course for anyone interested in an overview of the Section 106 review process, including project managers/decision makers, and early career historic preservation professionals.

The class will be offered over two days on the Zoom Platform, from 12:30-4:30 p.m. ET each day.

More information and to register.

Calling all students interested in learning more about the field of historic preservation – you can speak directly with ACHP Chair Sara C. Bronin 10 a.m. ET Monday, November 6 when she holds virtual Office Hours. She’ll talk about her career path, the ACHP’s work, and will answer your questions. RSVP to Susan Glimcher at with your name, year, and educational institution.