VA PA for Seismic and Functional Improvement of the Roseburg VAMC, Roseburg, OR

Programmatic Agreement Among the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Roseburg Health Care System, the Oregon State Historic Preservation Officer, the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Seismic and Functional Improvement of the Roseburg VA Medical Center, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon

Guidance on Agreement Documents: Community Engagement Stipulation Examples

Sample stipulations for the development of Section 106 agreements. The examples in this section will assist federal agencies in engaging the public in carrying out mitigation measures and provide examples for a range of approaches that may further public education and awareness building, the creation of educational materials for specific audiences, and heritage tourism efforts. These kinds of stipulations also present opportunities to involve students and youth in learning about or working with historic properties.

VA Section 106 Agreements Database

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Section 106 Agreements Database is a collection of VA Memoranda of Agreements (MOAs) and Programmatic Agreements (PAs) from across the country, dating from 1974 to present. This database provides users with a way to find previously executed VA agreements that may serve as reference for current projects requiring a MOA or PA.

Guidance on Agreement Documents: Agreement Implementation

Agency Commitments and Consequences

Once a Section 106 agreement is executed and filed with the ACHP, the federal agency (and/or applicant) is able to implement the undertaking and it may now approve the expenditure of federal funds on the undertaking or issue a license or permit for the undertaking. Pursuant to Section 110(l) of the NHPA, and 36 CFR § 800.6(c), an executed and implemented MOA or project PA evidences the agency official's compliance with Section 106 and governs the undertaking and all of its parts.

Guidance on Agreement Documents: Executing Agreement Documents

An MOA or PA is a legally binding document that commits an agency both by statute and by federal regulation to carry out the undertaking in accordance with the terms of the agreement in satisfaction of its responsibilities under Section 106. The MOA or PA serves three main purposes: (1) to specify the alternatives or mitigation agreed to by the signatories; (2) to identify who is responsible for carrying out the specified measures; and (3) to serve, along with its implementation, as evidence of the agency's compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA.

Guidance on Agreement Documents: Reviewing

Preparing complete Section 106 agreement documents is critical because even the very best consultation effort can be undermined if agreed-upon actions are not recorded clearly and accurately in the stipulations section. The Section 106 agreement document should be straightforward and concise and use plain language wherever possible. A cold reader should be able to understand when, how, and by whom the stipulations will be implemented.

Guidance on Agreement Documents: Drafting

Who Prepares the MOA or PA?

The federal agency is responsible for preparing the MOA or PA. Because an MOA or PA sets out how a federal agency will address the adverse effects to historic properties caused by its undertaking, it is important that their professional staff or cultural resource management (CRM) contractors take responsibility for drafting agreement documents while engaging the consulting parties throughout consultation. SHPOs and THPOs often assist the agency in making sure the correct language is used and all necessary provisions are in the agreement.

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