Developing strategies to carry out efficient and predictable federal environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects assisted by federal agencies or requiring federal permits, licenses or other approvals has been a focus of the ACHP’s work for several years. Infrastructure rehabilitation and construction continues to attract public and policymaker attention. As a participant in interagency efforts to improve various aspects of the federal permitting process and as a technical assistance and training resource for all who participate in the review process required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the ACHP seeks to engage stakeholders in its work to ensure infrastructure development and preservation of our nation’s important historic places work together.
In order to help agencies, federal applicants, SHPOs, Indian tribes, and other Section 106 participants carry out reviews of infrastructure projects on federal property or those involving federal assistance, the ACHP has compiled news, background information, examples, and other program resources on these web pages. Please contact us with your questions about Section 106 reviews of infrastructure projects by using the staff list available here.