To identify a specific Federal Preservation Officer, select from the list below. Many of the links below also offer information on the agency's staff contacts, cultural resource policies, related Section 106 issues, and links to its website.

If you find information incorrect please contact

Staff Member

Agricultural Research Service

Jeffrey J. Seidleck
Federal Preservation Officer
Realty Specialist

Real Property Management Branch

Administrative & Financial Management 
5601 Sunnyside Avenue
Beltsville, MD 20705-5126

Phone: (301) 504-1167

American Battle Monuments Commission

Karen Wurzburger
Federal Preservation Officer
Director of Visitor Service and Interpretation

Overseas Operations Office
18 avenue Gabriel
75008 Paris, France

Phone: +33 (0)1 40 75 27 78

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Carl Etsitty
Federal Preservation Officer

Environmental and Risk Analysis Services

2150 Centre Avenue

Building B

MS 3W12

Fort Collins, CO 80525

Armed Forces Retirement Home

Justin Seffens
Federal Preservation Officer
Corporate Facility Manager, SRPO/SSO

3700 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011-8400 

Phone: (202) 541-7548

Bonneville Power Administration

Sunshine R. Clark Schmidt, M.S.
Federal Preservation Officer
Program Manager, Cultural Resources

905 NE 11th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232

Phone: (503) 230-5015

Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Dawn R. Haley
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief, Office of External Relations

14th & C Streets, SW
Room 107-M
Washington, DC 20228

Phone: (202) 874-3545

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Tamara B. Billie
Federal Preservation Officer

Branch of Environmental and Cultural Resources Management
1001 Indian School Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104

Phone: (505) 563-3013

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

George Herbst
Federal Preservation Officer

California State Office
2800 Cottage Way

Suite W1623

Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone: (808) 282-2563

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)

Brian Jordan, PhD
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief, Branch of Environmental Consultation

Office of Environmental Programs
45600 Woodland Road, VAM-OEP
Sterling, VA 20166

Phone: (703) 787-1748

Bureau of Reclamation

Joseph A. Giliberti, RPA
Federal Preservation Officer

Policy and Administration
PO Box 25007
Denver, CO 80225-0007

Phone: (303) 445-3206

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Douglas S. Jones, RPA
Federal Preservation Officer
Gulf of Mexico Regional Tribal Liaison

1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA

Phone: (504) 736-2859

Commission of Fine Arts

Thomas Luebke
Federal Preservation Officer

401 F Street, NW
Suite 312
Washington, DC 20001-2728

Phone: (202) 504-2200
Dan Fox
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

401 F Street, NW
Suite 312
Washington, DC 20001-2728

Phone: (202) 504-2200

Department of Defense

Ronald E. Tickle
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management and Restoration

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment

3400 Defense Pentagon


Washington, DC 20301-3400

Michelle Volkema
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment
4800 Mark Center Drive
Suite 16F16
Alexandria, VA 22350

Department of Education

Andrea Falken
Federal Preservation Officer
Special Advisor for Infrastructure and Sustainability

Office of Communications and Outreach

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-0498

Department of Energy

Josh Silverman, PhD
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Environmental Protection and ES&H Reporting
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20585

Phone: (202) 586-6535

Department of Health and Human Services

Please note: The DHHS Federal Preservation Officer is also the contact for the following operating divisions: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, Indian Health Services, and the National Institutes of Health.
Gopinath Boray, RA
Federal Preservation Officer (Acting)
Architect, Real Property Management Service

Program Support Center, Real Estate, Logistics and Operations 
200 Independence Avenue, SW

Mail Stop 347F
Washington, DC 20201

Phone: (202) 690-6084

Department of Homeland Security

Jennifer DeHart Hass
Federal Preservation Officer
Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation Program Manager

Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer
245 Murray Lane, SE
Mail Stop 0075
Washington, DC 20528-0075

Phone: (202) 834-4346
Sarah Koeppel
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer
245 Murray Lane, SE
Mail Stop 0075
Washington, DC 20528-0075

Phone: (202) 868-2759

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Brian J. Lusher
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Environment and Energy
451 7th Street, SW

Room 7212
Washington, DC 20410

Phone: (202) 402-5718

Department of Justice (DOJ)

William N. Taylor, II
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Policy, Management, and Procurement

Justice Management Division

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 1113
Washington, DC 20530

Phone: (202) 514-3102

Department of Labor

Julia A. Tritz
Federal Preservation Officer

Business Operations Center

200 Constitution Avenue, NW

Room S-1524
Washington, DC 20210

Phone: (202) 693-1094

Department of State

John Bernard, Jr.
Federal Preservation Officer
Team Leader, Design and Construction

Real Property Management | Operations
Bureau of Administration
2201 C Street NW

Room 1264
Washington DC 20520

Phone: (202) 647-1638

Department of Transportation

Colleen E. Vaughn
Federal Preservation Officer
Environmental Policy Analyst

Office of Policy Development, Strategic Planning, and Performance
Office of the Secretary
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-7098

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Héctor M. Abreu Cintrón, PA AIC
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Construction and Facilities Management  (003C2)
425 I Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

Phone: (202) 632-5775

Department of the Air Force

Michelle J. Brown
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety and Infrastructure)

1665 Air Force Pentagon Room 4B941
Washington, DC 20330-1665

Phone: (703) 697-0989
Alison Rubio
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer
Cultural Resources Subject Matter Expert

Air Force Civil Engineer Center/Environmental Quality Technical Support

2261 Hughes Avenue

Suite 155
Lackland, TX 78236-9853

Phone: (508) 341-2161

Department of the Army


David Guldenzopf, PhD
Federal Preservation Officer
Director for Environmental Quality

Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Installations, Energy and Environment
110 Army Pentagon

Room 3D453
Washington DC  20310-1001

Phone: (571) 256-7822

Department of the Interior

Caroline D. Henry
Federal Preservation Officer

Main Interior Building
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240

Phone: (202) 513-0795

Department of the Navy

Karnig H. Ohannessian
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Environment)

1000 Navy Pentagon, Room 4A674
Washington, DC 20350-1000

Phone: (703) 614-5080

Department of the Treasury

Jon Frederick
Federal Preservation Officer
Curatorial Branch Head

Office of the Curator
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220

Phone: (202) 622-3251

Environmental Protection Agency

Michael Hardy
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Associate Administrator

Office of Policy

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Room 3352-L
Washington, DC 20460

Phone: (202) 564-7899
Brian W. Kenny
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Policy

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW


Washington, DC 20460

Phone: (202) 564-0570

Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Donna Turnipseed
Federal Preservation Officer (Acting)

Farm Production and Conservation Business Center
Lacey, WA

Phone: (360) 399-9061

Federal Aviation Administration

Judith A. Walker
Federal Preservation Officer
Acting Manager, Environmental Policy and Operations (AEE-400)

Office of Environment and Energy
800 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20591

Phone: (202) 267-4185

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Christopher D. Scoggins
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief of Facilities Programs

500 1st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534

Phone: (202) 616-2631

Federal Communications Commission

Ellen Saint Onge
Federal Preservation Officer

Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC  20554

Phone: (202) 418-2002
Christine Heacock, MA, RPA
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

Competition and Infrastructure Policy Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC  20554

Phone: (202) 418-1503

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Patricia A. Colohan
Federal Preservation Officer
Associate Director

Risk Management Examination Branch
550 17th Street, NW

Room F-4076
Washington, DC 20429

Phone: (202) 898-7283

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

John V. Ketchum
Federal Preservation Officer

400 C Street, SW

6th Floor
Washington, DC 20472

Phone: (202) 646-3271

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

A. Eric Howard
Federal Preservation Officer
Branch Chief, Gas 2

888 1st Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426

Phone: (202) 502-6263

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

David S. Clarke
Federal Preservation Officer

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-2060

Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers

Stuart Clifton
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief, Environmental and Safety Division

1131 Chapel Crossing Road

Building 681
Glynco, GA 31524

Phone: (912) 267-3154

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Alan W. Strasser
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Chief Counsel

Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Division (MC-CCR)

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE

Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-0286

Federal Railroad Administration

Scott Williams
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Environmental Program Management (RRD-33)

Office of Railroad Development

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE

Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 748-3281
Amanda Murphy
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE

Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 339-7231
Melissa Ivie
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC  20590

Phone: (279) 977-2508

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Elizabeth Breiseth
Federal Preservation Officer
Environmental Protection Specialist

Office of Environmental Program
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (312) 353-4315

First Responder Network Authority

Andrew Bielakowski
Federal Preservation Officer

Environmental Compliance
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive

M/S 243
Reston, VA 20192

Phone: (202) 657-7982

General Services Administration (GSA)

Beth L. Savage
Federal Preservation Officer

Center for Historic Buildings

1800 F Street, NW
Room 2400
Washington, DC 20405-0001

Phone: (202) 208-1936

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Jessica Ottley
Federal Preservation Officer
Senior Museum Program Officer

955 L'Enfant Plaza North, SW

Suite 4000

Washington, DC 20024-2135

Phone: (202) 653-4635

John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Shauna Haas
Federal Preservation Officer
Cultural Resources Team Lead

220 Binney Street

Cambridge, MA  02142

Phone: (857) 998-3008

Maritime Administration

Anna Holloway
Federal Preservation Officer
Supervisory Historian

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-0866
Erhard Koehler
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer

1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-0866

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Rebecca Klein, PhD, RPA
Federal Preservation Officer

300 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20546

Phone: (202) 358-0082

National Archives and Records Administration

Donna J. Forbes
Federal Preservation Officer

Executive for Business Support Services
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740

Phone: (301) 837-1867
Mark D. Sprouse
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer
Director, Facility and Property Management Division

8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740

Phone: (301) 837-3019

National Capital Planning Commission

Lee A. Webb
Federal Preservation Officer

Urban Design and Plan Review
401 9th Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004

Phone: (202) 482-7240

National Endowment for the Arts

Brenna Berger
Federal Preservation Officer, Acting
Grants Officer (Director)

Office of Grants Management

700 7th Street, SW

Washington, DC 20506

National Endowment for the Humanities

Ann E. Piesen, MCP
Federal Preservation Officer
Environmental Officer

Office of Grants Management 
400 7th Street, SW

Room 2026
Washington, DC 20506

Phone: (202) 606-8576

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Phillip W. Neuberg, FAIA
Federal Preservation Officer

Planning and Space Management Team
Capital Asset Management Group
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1052

Phone: (301) 975-6940

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

John Battle
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
Project Planning and Management Division
1305 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Phone: (202) 731-6965

National Park Service

Turkiya Lowe, PhD
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer
NPS Chief Historian

Park History Program Office
1849 C Street, NW 
Mail Stop 7508 
Washington, DC 20240

Phone: (202) 354-2214
Jeffrey L. Durbin
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer
Section 106 Compliance Program Manager

Park Cultural Resources Programs
NPS WASO, Cultural Resources, Stewardship, & Science
1849 C Street NW
Mail Stop 7508
Washington, DC 20240

Phone: (202) 354-1816
David Louter, PhD
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Associate Director for Park Programs and National Heritage Areas

1849 C Street NW 
Mail Stop 7508 
Washington, DC 20240

Phone: (202) 354-2102

National Science Foundation

Caroline M. Blanco
Federal Preservation Officer
Assistant General Counsel - Environment

2415 Eisenhower Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (703) 292-4592

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Jill A. Springer
Federal Preservation Officer
Senior Policy Advisor for Permitting

Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth

1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

Phone: (202) 430-3921

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Erika K. Martin Seibert, PhD
Federal Preservation Officer

1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 2227-S
Washington, DC 20250 

Phone: (202) 260-9099

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Christopher M. Regan
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief Environmental Review and Permitting Officer 

Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

Phone: (301) 415-2768

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Christine E. Allen
Federal Preservation Officer (Interim)
National Environmental Policy Act Coordinator

Division of Regulatory Support
1849 C Street NW
Room 4559
Washington, DC 20240 

Phone: (202) 208-2802

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Matt Fuller
Federal Preservation Officer
Senior Environmental Protection Specilaist

Environmental Policy & Justice Division

Office of Planning and Analytics
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
PHC, Room E26-204
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (217) 707-8169

Presidio Trust

Robert Thomson
Federal Preservation Officer

103 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94129

Phone: (415) 561-2758

Rural Business-Cooperative Service

Jamie Palmer
Federal Preservation Officer

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20250

Phone: (405) 253-2596

Rural Housing Service

Patrick M. Raley
Federal Preservation Officer

1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20250

Phone: (740) 990-8666

Rural Utilities Service

Kate Moore-Prince
Federal Preservation Officer, Acting
Supervisory Archaeologist

Environmental & Historic Preservation Division
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 2244, Mail Stop 1570
Washington, DC 20250

Phone: (202) 666-8245

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

Carrie Mann-Lavigne
Federal Preservation Officer
Chief Counsel

Office of the Administrator

180 Andrews Street

Massena, NY 13662

Phone: (315) 366-6823

Small Business Administration

Kenneth Etheridge
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Administrative Services
409 3rd Street, SW
MC 5331
Washington, DC 20416

Phone: (202) 205-6623

Smithsonian Institution

Carly Bond
Federal Preservation Officer (Acting)
Acting Associate Director

Architectural History and Historic Preservation
Office of Planning, Design, & Construction
PO Box 37012

MRC 511
Washington, DC 20013-7012

Phone: (917) 331-1815

Surface Transportation Board

Alan Tabachnick
Federal Preservation Officer
Historic Preservation Specialist

Office of Environmental Analysis

395 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20423-0001

Phone: (202) 245-0367

Tennessee Valley Authority

Spencer Sessions
Federal Preservation Officer

External Strategy & Regulatory Oversight 

1101 Market Street

Chattanooga, TN 37402

Phone: (901) 832-2141

United States Army Corps of Engineers

Jaime A. Pinkham
Federal Preservation Officer
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)

Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
108 Army Pentagon

Room 3E441
Washington, DC 20310

Phone: (703) 697-4672

United States Coast Guard

Andrew S. Haley
Federal Preservation Officer

Office of Environmental Management

2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE

Stop 7714

Washington, DC 20593

Phone: (202) 821-2824

United States Customs and Border Protection

Christopher S. Oh
Federal Preservation Officer

Facilities Management and Engineering Division
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Mail Stop 1106
Washington, DC 20229

Phone: (202) 344-2448

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Eugene Marino
Federal Preservation Officer
Archaeologist and National Curator

5275 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22041-3803

Phone: (703) 358-2173

United States Forest Service

Douglas Stephens
Federal Preservation Officer
Heritage Program Manager

RHVR Staff, Mailstop 1125
14th and Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250-1124

Phone: (202) 205-1414

United States Marine Corps

Karnig H. Ohannessian
Federal Preservation Officer
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Environment)

1000 Navy Pentagon, Room 4A674
Washington, DC 20350-1000

Phone: (703) 614-5080

United States Postal Service

Federal Preservation Officer

United States Secret Service

Joseph Blevins
Federal Preservation Officer
Branch Chief

950 H Street NW

Suite 6000
Washington, D.C. 20223

Phone: (202) 406-5884

Western Area Power Administration

Brian Ó Donnchadha
Federal Preservation Officer

12155 W. Alameda Parkway 
Lakewood, CO  80228

Phone: (720) 962-7128
Lisa Meyer
Deputy Federal Preservation Officer
CRSP Regional Preservation Official

12155 W. Alameda Parkway 
Lakewood, CO  80228

Phone: (303) 328-1779