ACHP Offers New Online Section 106 Training Course for Indian Tribes

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is now providing a new online/on-demand course, Section 106 Training for Indian Tribes, designed for Indian tribe natural and cultural resources staff and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and staff. Tribal leaders also might find the training helpful.

ACHP Chairman Announces Early Coordination With Indian Tribes Handbook Now Available

WASHINGTON, D.C.— As the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) commemorates National Native American Heritage Month, Chairman Aimee Jorjani today announced the release of Early Coordination with Indian Tribes during Pre-application Process: A Handbook, to offer guidance on how federal agencies, industry, and Indian tribes can work collaboratively and effectively prior to the submission of applications that will need to go through the Sec

ACHP Enters Into Partnership With Salish Kootenai College To Educate Students On Historic Preservation

PABLO, MONTANA—Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Chairman Aimee Jorjani entered into an agreement with Salish Kootenai College (SKC) in Pablo, Montana, and the ACHP Foundation on September 23, 2019 to provide educational, personal development, and professional growth opportunities to students in the Tribal Historic Preservation and Tribal Governance and Administration degree programs.

The Indian Removal Era and Section 106 Tribal Consultation: Information Paper

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) seeks to help federal agencies understand why they must consult with those Indian tribes who were removed from their homelands by the federal government and now may reside great distances from a proposed undertaking. Understanding the effects of removal on Indian tribes and their ability to participate in the Section 106 process will help federal agencies to carry out their consultation responsibilities more effectively and efficiently.


ACHP Policy Statement Regarding the Council’s Relationships with Indian Tribes (2000)

Like other federal agencies, the ACHP has special roles and responsibilities governing its relationship with Tribal and Indigenous Peoples. This policy statement outlines ACHP policy regarding its role, responsibilities, and relationships with individual Indian Tribes deriving from the Constitution, treaties, statutes, executive orders, regulations, and court decisions. It specifically ensures the ACHP’s compliance with and recognition of its Tribal consultation responsibilities under certain authorities.

ACHP Government-to-Government Consultation with Indian Tribes

The federal government has a unique relationship with Indian Tribes derived from the Constitution of the United States, treaties, Supreme Court doctrine, and federal statutes. It is deeply rooted in American history, dating back to the earliest contact in which colonial governments addressed Indian Tribes as sovereign nations.

Improving Tribal Consultation and Tribal Involvement in Federal Infrastructure Decisions January 2017

On September 23, 2016, the Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, and the Department of the Army issued a joint letter to Tribal Leaders committing to a broad review and consultation with Tribes on how Federal decision making on infrastructure and related projects can better allow for timely and meaningful Tribal input. This Report, Improving Tribal Consultation and Tribal Involvement in Federal Infrastructure Decisions, is the product of this government-to-government consultation and comments received from fifty-nine Tribes (and eight organizations representing Tribal interests) in October and November 2016. It reflects the start of a continuing nation-to-nation consultation that is needed to ensure that infrastructure projects are sited in a manner that lives up to the United States’ obligations to Tribes.
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