1. Publication
    Executive Summary Since 2006, Preserve America Grants to states, tribes, and local governments have been funded at $5 - $7.3 million annually. The competitive grants, ranging from $20,000 to $250,000 with a required one-to-one match, support planning, development, implementation, or enhancement of innovative activities and programs in heritage tourism.
  2. Publication
    US/ICOMOS publication on Lessons from Across the Globe for U.S. Historic Preservation in its Second 50 Years
  3. Publication
    Executive Summary In conjunction with its regular quarterly meeting, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) hosted a summit meeting of Federal agencies November 14, 2002, to discuss cultural heritage tourism. Many Federal agencies are already supporting heritage tourism in various ways through their missions and programs. This meeting provided an opportunity for comparing notes on these activities, and to begin discussing ways to improve the coordination and consistency of such efforts.
  4. Publication
    This ACHP report from 1979 contains formulas and models for assessing the potential value of historic preservation in terms of energy conservation. Three case studies examine disparate property types - an early federal housing project, a commercial complex, and a adaptively used carriage house - and the report provides readers with tools for undertaking such analysis. The report documents how rehabilitation of historic buildings can produce significant energy conservation benefits over the life of the buildings.
  5. Publication
    Executive Summary In conjunction with its May 9, 2003, quarterly meeting, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) hosted a second summit meeting of Federal agencies to discuss cultural heritage tourism. As was apparent at the first summit meeting in November 2002, many Federal agencies are already supporting heritage tourism in various ways through their missions and programs.
  6. Publication
    This report explains how saving energy is a benefit of preserving historic buildings - that it takes less energy to restore old buildings than to replace them. Designed for a general audience, it summarizes research that is described in detail in Assessing the Energy Conservation Benefits of Historic Preservation: Methods and Examples.
  7. Publication
    Preservationists marked the 50th anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in 2016 and took the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of the federal preservation program that was created by the NHPA. In conjunction with a public outreach effort, the ACHP analyzed the federal preservation program established by the NHPA and developed recommendations for actions that would improve the program to address current and future needs. 
  8. Publication
    This handbook guided participants in the Section 106 review process for many years, but has since been superseded by current guidance.
  9. Publication
    Office of Federal Agency Programs fact sheet in Spanish
  10. Publication
    A Report to the President on the status of federal historic property management