Second Two-Year Extension to the BLM National PA

Second Two-Year Extension to the Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act

ACHP, BLM, NCSHPO Extend Agreement Governing BLM’s Activities That Might Impact Historic Properties

On Jan. 19, 2022, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Vice Chairman Jordan Tannenbaum signed an agreement with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) to extend the duration of the BLM’s national Programmatic Agreement (nPA) by an additional two years to February 2024. The nPA forms the basis of the BLM’s implementation of its cultural resource management actions under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

Two-Year Extension to the BLM National PA

Two-Year Extension to the Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act

BLM National PA for Compliance with Section 106

Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act

Amended in January 2022 to extend duration two years. Amended on February 7, 2024, to extend duration to February 9, 2026.

BLM’s National Programmatic Agreement

BLM and ACHP representatives signing the nPA
BLM and ACHP representatives signing the nPA

The Bureau of Land Management historic preservation program took an important step forward on Feb. 9, 2012, when a major revision to the national Programmatic Agreement (nPA) was signed at the business meeting of the ACHP.

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