Laurel Bartlett
Laurel Bartlett, PhD Candidate in the Planning, Design, and Built Environment Program, Clemson, South Carolina
Laurel Bartlett, PhD Candidate in the Planning, Design, and Built Environment Program, Clemson, South Carolina
The Marine Corps Poster Series highlights historic properties in Marine Corps care. The ACHP worked with staff at the Marine Corps and the National Park Service to support showcasing historic properties and giving the story of their founding and use by the Marines throughout history.
The ACHP continues to honor those who volunteer their time for historic preservation during April, National Volunteer Month. The Museum at Eldridge Street is a Preserve America Steward for demonstrating a successful use of volunteer time and commitment in order to help care for our nation’s historic heritage.
Roberta Berken has spent the last 18 years as a docent at the Museum at Eldridge Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and she says it has been a great gift to her.