Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs

The Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs (OPLA) develops preservation policy recommendations, analyzes legislation proposed at the federal/state/local levels and Executive Branch policy initiatives, and participates in ACHP programs and research related to major national preservation issues.

Armed Forces Retirement Home 2010 Baseline Report

The following federal agencies with real property management responsibilities submitted a baseline report on internal regulations, management policies, and operating procedures for compliance with Sections 110 and 111 of NHPA (16 U.S.C. 470h-2 & 470h-3) and subsequent progress reports to the Chairman of the ACHP and to the Secretary of the Interior per Section 3(b) and (c) of EO 13287.

Climate Resilience & Sustainability

The ACHP promotes sustainable and resilient communities where historic properties are used as assets for promoting energy efficiency and community livability, and are prepared for climate impacts.
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