Training Programs and Advocacy Groups
- Association for Preservation Technology International
- Campaign for Historic Trades
- Columbus Landmarks Building Arts Studio at Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center
- Cornerstones Community Partnerships
- Covington Academy of Heritage Trades
- HistoriCorps
- HOPE Crew
- LimeWorks Craftwork Training Center
- National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center
- National Park Service National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
- National Park Service Traditional Trades Advancement Program
- National Park Service Western Center for Historic Preservation
- Northern Bedrock Historic Preservation Corps
- Preservation Priorities Task Force - Preservation Trades and Workforce Development
- Preservation Trades Network
- Providence Preservation Society Building Works
- San Antonio Living Heritage Trades Academy
- Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage - Building Arts & Traditional Architecture
- World Monuments Fund Bridge to Crafts Careers Program
Academic Programs
- American College of the Building Arts (South Carolina)
- Belmont College (Ohio)
- Bryn Athyn College (Pennsylvania)
- Bucks County Community College (Pennsylvania)
- Clatsop Community College (Oregon)
- North Bennet Street School (Massachusetts)
- Savannah Technical College (Georgia)
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (Pennsylvania)
Material-Specific Resources
- Dry Stone Conservancy
- International Masonry Institute's Historic Preservation Certificate Program
- Timber Framers Guild
- Campaign for Historic Trades YouTube Playlist
- Trades Alive! YouTube Playlist
- "Could Preservation Trades Help Save Our Cities?"
- HistoriCorps YouTube Channel
- HOPE Crew YouTube Playlist
- Understanding and Advancing the Preservation Trades (2023)
- Status of Historic Trades in America (2022)
- Historic Trades Labor Analysis: Baseline Data for Covington, Kentucky (2022)
- Preservation Trades and Workforce Development Issue Brief (2021)
- Developing the Qualification Standard for the Preservation Craftworker (2011)
- Forum Journal: Building Trades Education in the 21st Century (2005)
- CRM: Preservation Trades and Crafts (1997)
- The Whitehill Report on Professional and Public Education for Historic Preservation (1968)