1. Programmatic Agreement
    Programmatic Agreement Between the US Department of Agriculture, Washington State Natural Resources Conservation Service Office, Washington State Historic Preservation Officer, Regarding Conservation Assistance
  2. Programmatic Agreement
    Programmatic Agreement (PA) Among the US General Services Administration, the State Historic Preservation Officers of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada, and the ACHP Regarding the Preservation, Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Use of Historic Properties and Consideration of Historic Properties in Planning Activities (June 2008 - 2018)
  3. Programmatic Agreement
    Second Two-Year Extension to the Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act
  4. Program Comments
    In 2017, the ACHP issued a Program Comment for Communications Projects on Federal Lands and Property at the request of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to accelerate the review of these projects, particularly broadband deployment, under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. In 2024, at the request of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the ACHP expanded the scope of the Program Comment to any federal agency with an undertaking meeting its terms.
  5. Publication
      Executive Summary This is the second triennial Report to the President required under Executive Order 13287: “Preserve America,” addressing the state of the federal government’s historic properties and their contribution to local economic development. Signed by President George W.
  6. Publication
    This handbook presents recommendations for federal agencies, applicants, and Indian tribes to work together in pre-application information gathering or prior to initiating the Section 106 process.
  7. Question & Answer
    These questions and answers provide more information about the coordination of federal historic preservation reviews for infrastructure projects.
  8. Report
    Based on interviews with officials from 57 tribes and 21 federal agencies, as well as comments submitted by 100 tribes in 2016 on tribal consultation for infrastructure projects, GAO identified key factors that tribes and agencies believe hinder effective consultation on infrastructure projects. Federal agencies are required, at times, to consult with tribes on infrastructure projects like pipelines that may harm tribal natural and cultural resources.
  9. Exempted Category
    The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation published an exemption that relieves federal agencies from the requirement of taking into account the effects of their undertakings on historic natural gas pipelines.
  10. Guidance Document
    Introduction The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) includes provisions that specifically address federal agencies' responsibilities when their activities involve National Historic Landmark (NHL) properties.