1. Programmatic Agreement
    Programmatic Agreement (PA) Among Region 8 of the General Services Administration (GSA), the State Historic Preservation Office of Montana, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Regarding the Preservation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation and Leasing of Historic Properties in Montana (executed 2008; superseded by the GSA Region 8 Programmatic Agreement) 
  2. Programmatic Agreement
    Programmatic Agreement Among the United States General Services Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, the District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Interior Modernization of the USDA South Building, Washington, D.C. 
  3. Program Comments
    The Program Comment for the General Services Administration (GSA) sets forth the way in which GSA will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for select repairs and upgrades to windows, lighting, roofing, and heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems within historic public buildings.  The select repairs and upgrades correspond to GSA's Technical Preservation Guidelines. A model federal agency alternative pursuant to Section 800.14(e) of ACHP’s regulations, the Program Comment allows str
  4. Prototype Programmatic Agreements
  5. Publication
    Executive Summary The National Historic Preservation Act directs the Federal Government to administer federally owned, administered, and controlled historic resources in a spirit of stewardship. Executive Order 13287, issued in 2003 as part of the Administration’s Preserve America initiative, reaffirms this mandate. Section 4(e) of the order requires that the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation make recommendations to the President and Federal agencies on further stimulating initiative, creativity, and efficiency in the Federal stewardship of historic properties.
  6. Publication
  7. Question & Answer
  8. Whitepaper
    A key responsibility of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is to administer the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), a review process that ensures historic properties are considered during the development of any federal project. The ACHP’s Office of Federal Agency Programs (OFAP) coordinates this responsibility.
  9. Guidance Document
  10. Guidance Document
    What is the ACHP Native Youth Program? In 2015, the ACHP launched a Native Youth Program in response to concerns of tribal representatives that not enough Native youth knew about historic preservation. The program’s primary goal is to generate interest in historic preservation in general, and help the next generation of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, tribal and NHO representatives, and Native citizens support the preservation of their resources and important places.