1. Issue
    Constance Lai - Historic Preservation Manager, Grunley Construction
  2. Issue
    Loren Me'-lash-ne Bommelyn Tolowa Dee-ni' Linguist and Tribal Historian, tradition bearer, teacher-- Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation, Smith River, California
  3. Issue
    Niya Bates, Director of African American History and Getting Word Oral History Project at Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia
  4. Public Resources
  5. Issue
    The changing demographics of America pose opportunities as well as challenges for the national historic preservation program.
  6. Issue
    Agencies and organizations that are members of the ACHP are promoting more livable and sustainable communities through preservation. Key Links
  7. Issue
    Jay D. Vogt, South Dakota State Historic Preservation Officer, NCSHPO President, 2005-2009 What led you to your field?
  8. Issue
    Frank Edgerton Martin, MSLA, Design Journalism/Historic Landscape Preservation
  9. Issue
    Brian Tibbs, Architect and Chairman of the Metropolitan Historic Zoning Commission, Nashville, Tennessee
  10. Issue
    As the number of skilled workers in the construction trades has plummeted in recent years, the shortage of skilled preservation craft workers has continued to grow. Restoration work on historic buildings simply cannot be done without skilled workers, making the training of new craftspeople a critical priority.