GSA MOA Regarding the U.S. Courthouse in Mobile, AL
Memorandum of Agreement for the U.S. Courthouse in Mobile, AL
Memorandum of Agreement for the U.S. Courthouse in Mobile, AL
Memorandum of Agreement for the Lease Construction - MAL92600 U.S. Probation & Corps of Engineers Building 201 St. Michael Street, Mobile, Alabama (1993)
Memorandum of Agreement Between the U.S. General Services Administration and the West Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding the Huntington Federal Building Modernization, City of Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia
Memorandum of Agreement Between the United States General Services Administration and the West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office Submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pursuant to 36 CFR 800 Regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigations's Central Records Complex in Frederick County, Virginia
Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the Virginia State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) regarding the construction of a United States District Courthouse (District Courthouse) on a block bounded by Broad, Grace, Seventh, and Eighth Streets in the City of Richmond, VA
- MOA for Charlestown Navy Yard Development Area (1978)
- Amendment #1 (1991)
- Amendment #2 (2010)
Consultation Assistance
The ACHP officially participates in various GSA consultations and also provides GSA with technical assistance when appropriate. GSA cases in which ACHP is officially participating can be found here. Section 106 agreements GSA filed with the ACHP are available by request; please contact ACHP's Office of Federal Agency Programs to contact ACHP's GSA Liaison (202-517-0200).
Guidance Issuance