Section 106 Archaeology Guidance - Background

Archaeology under Section 106 

Archaeological sites are identified and evaluated under Section 106 by federal agencies for their eligibility for listing in the National Register. Through consultation with stakeholders, such as State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations, federal agencies take into account the effects of their undertakings on eligible or listed archaeological sites.

Recommended Approach for Consultation on Recovery of Significant Information from Archeological Sites

In accordance with Secs. 800.5 and 800.6 of its revised regulations (36 CFR part 800, "Protection of Historic Properties," published [May 18, 1999]) implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is publishing a recommended approach for consultation by Federal agencies, State Historic Preservation Officers, Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, and others on the effects of Federal, federally assisted, and federally licensed or -permitted undertakings on archeological sites. ACHP has determined that issuance of this guidance is consistent with ACHP's revised regulations. The full text of the guidance is reproduced under the Supplementary Information section of this notice.
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