
Fall 2024 Webinar Series

Click on the course title to register.

Defining the Area of Potential Effects (APE)

Wednesday, September 4, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Beginner level

The Area of Potential Effects (APE) is the foundation of a federal agency’s efforts to identify historic properties in a Section 106 review. Learn how APEs vary based on the nature of an undertaking, practice defining a preliminary APE in project scenarios, and explore best practices for documenting APEs.

Section 106 Program Alternatives

Thursday, September 12, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Intermediate level

The Section 106 review process can be tailored to specific situations using a variety of Program Alternatives. Join our ACHP staff to learn more about the Program Alternatives defined in the Section 106 implementing regulations (36 CFR Part 800) and explore the goals and benefits of current nationwide examples.

Implementing Section 106 Program Comments

Thursday, September 19, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Intermediate level

One of the program alternatives available to tailor the Section 106 review process of federal undertakings is a Program Comment. Join ACHP staff to learn more about what a Program Comment is, explore the process for development and ACHP approval, and practice applying an existing Program Comment to a real-world Section 106 review of a federal undertaking.

Section 106 Documentation and e106: Free Course 

Thursday, September 26, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT [COURSE FULL]

Beginner level

Good documentation is critical for consulting parties in the Section 106 process, and a key part of any adverse effect notification to the ACHP. In this webinar, we will explain the Section 106 documentation standards and show how to submit to the ACHP using e106 system. Register early before this free course fills!


General Information

Dates and Times listed are for Eastern Time

Successful registrants will receive a confirmation message from Zoomgov.com with log-in instructions and a link to save an electronic calendar appointment automatically adjusted to the location of the registrant. Log-in credentials are unique and cannot be used for more than one device.


All webinars are taught live by ACHP staff instructors with practical experience in Section 106 review and in developing program alternatives.

Handouts for future reference

The webinars include handouts for future reference, but do not include a copy of the slide deck or access to a post-presentation recording. Participants are encouraged to take notes, answer polls, provide feedback in chat, and ask questions (chat or voice) during the webinar.

Participant experience levels

"Beginner" webinars assume participants have very little knowledge of the Section 106 review process or implementation in real-world scenarios.

"Intermediate" webinars assume participants have some real-world knowledge of the Section 106 review process and have participated in Section 106 reviews of federal undertakings.

"Advanced" webinars assume participants have real-world knowledge of the Section 106 review process in complex and/or controversial cases and are prepared to identify and evaluate best practices and strategic solutions in such cases.

Cost: $50


The ACHP does not offer continuing education credits for webinar courses and no certificates of completion are provided to course participants. We can, however, provide email acknowledgement of course completion if needed. Please contact training@achp.gov to request such acknowledgement.

Questions? Contact us at training@achp.gov.

60-minute interactive webinars on timely Section 106 topics presented by experienced ACHP staff