Native American Traditional Cultural Landscapes in the Section 106 Review Process: Questions and Answers
The consideration of Native American traditional cultural landscapes in Section 106 reviews has challenged federal agencies, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations for some time. There has been confusion regarding what makes a place a traditional cultural landscape, whether they can be considered historic properties, and whether the size of such places influences their consideration under the National Historic Preservation Act.
Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiians Quicklinks
Below are a list of quicklinks for Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiians.
ACHP Policy Statement Regarding Federal Relationships with Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (2014)
In 1992, the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) was amended to establish tribal historic preservation programs and grants to these tribes. This policy sets forth commitments of the ACHP to assist Tribal Historic Preservation Offices in maximizing the opportunities provided by the NHPA for them to fully and meaningfully participate in the Section 106 process and the national historic preservation program.