State Historic Preservation Office Resources

ACHP + Permitting Council Partnership

The ACHP’s first ever State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Liaison position was established under a partnership with the Permitting Council, the federal agency charged with improving the transparency, predictability, and outcomes of the Federal environmental review and authorization process for certain large-scale critical infrastructure projects.

Program Comment on Certain Housing, Building, and Transportation Undertakings

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has issued a program comment for certain housing, building, and transportation undertakings available to any federal agency with an undertaking meeting its terms. The Program Comment covers activities that are either excluded from further review, as outlined in Appendix A, or that must meet certain conditions before utilizing streamlining provisions in Appendix B.

MOA/PA Duration and Expiration: Points of Consideration

It is vitally important for federal agencies to effectively monitor the expiration dates of Section 106 memoranda of agreement or programmatic agreements (MOAs/PAs). If necessary, this includes coordinating the drafting, commenting, and execution of amendments to the duration stipulation prior to the agreement’s expiration. Once an agreement expires, it cannot be amended, even to extend its duration – quite simply, no agreement to amend exists following expiration.

DHS Nationwide PA for Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Undertakings

Nationwide Programmatic Agreement Among the Department of Homeland Security, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Undertakings on Department of Homeland Security Owned Facilities

Second Two-Year Extension to the BLM National PA

Second Two-Year Extension to the Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act

Two-Year Extension to the BLM National PA

Two-Year Extension to the Programmatic Agreement Among the Bureau of Land Management, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Regarding the Manner in Which the BLM Will Meet Its Responsibilities Under the National Historic Preservation Act

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