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The ACHP is offering a variety of Section 106 training opportunities this fall that will be presented virtually on Zoom, including one free webinar! Staff in the Office of Federal Agency Programs will present four timely webinars and a Section 106 Essentials course in September:

Defining the Area of Potential Effects (APE)

Wednesday, September 4, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Section 106 Program Alternatives

Thursday, September 12, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Implementing Section 106 Program Comments


The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is now accepting applications for its fall semester internships. These internships are full- or part-time and will be supervised by Chair Sara Bronin or by professional staff members. The ACHP cannot provide funding for these internships this fall and are only open to students who will have funding to support their internship from their school or another source, such as a grant or scholarship. Current students in a program in which they are not allowed to be paid also are eligible. Internships could be virtual, on-site, or hybrid. Internship projects are described below. 


ACHP Chair Sara Bronin, ACHP staff, and members in Washington, D.C. for the ACHP’s summer business meeting traveled across the Anacostia River July 17 for a tour of a historic site with a storied past. The former site of the first federal mental health hospital for members of the armed forces and District of Columbia residents, the Government Hospital for the Insane, is now known as St. Elizabeths after the tract of land on which it was constructed.


ACHP members met July 18 in Washington, DC, for their summer business meeting. Chair Sara Bronin welcomed the three newest appointed members: Erica Avrami, Amelia Marshand, and Jane Woodfin to the meeting. It was also the first meeting attended by governor member Gov. John Carney of Delaware and newly appointed Architect of the Capitol Thomas Austin.

Members voted to send letters to Congress in support of an increase in appropriations and reauthorization of the Historic Preservation Fund; support for the HTC-GO Act involving housing and climate-related tax credits; and offering modified language to the National Defense Authorization Act. They also voted to re-convene a digital information task force.


On July 8, The San Diego Union-Tribune published an op-ed by ACHP Chair Sara Bronin in which she lays out how adaptive reuse of historic buildings can help ease California’s housing crisis.

Bronin writes: “Given the magnitude of the housing shortage, we’ll need an all-hands-on-deck approach. I’m optimistic about California and its largest cities making meaningful progress in advancing policies that make the most of its existing building stock.”