WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is now providing a new online/on-demand course, Section 106 Training for Indian Tribes, designed for Indian tribe natural and cultural resources staff and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and staff. Tribal leaders also might find the training helpful.
The course is free and can serve as a refresher for experienced Section 106 practitioners. The ACHP developed this course to assist Indian tribes in fully participating in the Section 106 review process. It is part of a toolkit for Indian tribes the ACHP is developing that now includes guidance and other products.
The National Historic Preservation Act and the Section 106 regulations require federal agencies to consult with Indian tribes in carrying out their Section 106 responsibilities whenever a proposed undertaking might affect historic properties of religious and cultural significance to tribes. This course will prepare tribal staff and leadership to understand their role in the process and participate more effectively. In addition to explaining tribal rights at each step of the process, the course includes tips and strategies for effective participation.
While the course is tailored to federally-recognized Indian tribes, which are accorded certain rights in the National Historic Preservation Act, other indigenous groups might find it useful as well.
The ACHP also offers another online/on-demand course, Early Coordination with Indian Tribes for Infrastructure Projects, geared toward applicants for federal permits, licensing, or funding as well as federal permitting agencies and staff. This course prepares applicants, and their consultants, seeking federal licenses, permits, grants, and other approvals to work with Indian tribes as they plan and develop pre-application information for their projects. It also develops understanding and skills for federal cultural resources, environmental review, and program/project management staff to interact and work with Indian tribes early in the Section 106 process.
To access either of the courses, go to https://www.achp.gov/training/elearning. Scroll to the bottom for the link to register.