WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) today announced a public meeting to receive comments on the effects to historic properties from the increase of aircraft, including the EA-18A Growler, and aircraft operations and development of support facilities at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Washington.
The public meeting will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. PST on December 19, 2018, Coupeville High School, Performing Arts Center, 501 S Main St, Coupeville, WA 98239.
On November 30, the Department of the Navy terminated consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The ACHP participated in this consultation beginning in 2014. Since June 2018, consultation has focused on identifying measures to mitigate the adverse effect on historic properties from increased aircraft at the installation, since avoidance is not an option due to the nature and location of the undertaking. The consulting parties were unable to reach an agreement on such measures and timelines established by the Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 further complicated this consultation.
The ACHP has 45 days to provide comments to the Secretary of the Navy, which would be no later than January 14, 2019. The ACHP will take into account the views of the public as it forms its own comments to the Secretary on the undertaking and its effects on historic properties.
Due to the high level of public interest in this case, priority for speaking at the public meeting will be given first to the Department of the Navy, the Washington State Historic Preservation Office, and consulting parties, then to those who notify the ACHP of their desire to speak in advance of the meeting. Please provide the speaker’s name and the organization the speaker officially represents (if any).
Email information to: WhidbeyIslandComment@achp.gov
Fax information to: (202) 517-6381
Mail registrations to:
Ms. Katharine R. Kerr
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
401 F Street, NW, Suite 308
Washington, DC 20001-2637
Speakers other than those specifically mentioned above will be taken in order of registration, and each will have prescribed time limits. Pre-registration to speak at the meeting will end Friday, December 14 at 5 p.m. PST.
In addition to the public meeting, the ACHP is accepting written comments immediately from any party, before, during, or after the public meeting. Written comments may be sent to the email address, fax number, and mailing address.
All comments submitted by 5 p.m. EST, January 3, 2019 will be part of the public record and reviewed by the ACHP prior to the finalization and transmittal of its formal comments to the Secretary of the Navy.
For more information about the public meeting and submitting written comments, visit https://www.achp.gov/WhidbeyIslandComment.
To learn more about the ACHP and Section 106, visit www.achp.gov.