Historic Preservation Career Possibilities for Native Youth

September 01, 2016

You can become one of many professionals working for an Indian tribe, Native Hawaiian organization, federal or state agency, intertribal organization, museum, or private cultural resources management firm in the field of historic preservation. The field of historic preservation is broad and multi-disciplinary!

Have you thought about working to protect sacred sites? Do you want to preserve Native languages and cultures? Are you interested in botanical research, or, environmental/natural resources studies? Do you want to record the past through art? Have you thought about working for a museum, tribal cultural center or government, or Tribal Historic Preservation Office? Have you thought about architectural studies; anthropology; archeology; or, legal studies? Are you interested in the conservation of buildings, artifacts, documents or photos? Do you want to record oral histories?

All of these areas are part of the broad field of historic preservation. And there are a number of ways to pursue careers in any of these areas . . .

September 2016


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