In the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), Congress established a comprehensive program to preserve the historical and cultural foundations of the nation as a living part of community life. It was passed in response to widespread citizen concern that federally planned or assisted projects—like the construction of the interstate highway system and urban renewal—were destroying irreplaceable pieces of our shared heritage. Section 106 of the NHPA is crucial because it requires consideration of historic preservation in the multitude of projects with federal involvement that take place across the nation every day. For the past 50 years, federal agencies have used this process to advance their missions while taking into account properties that are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Additionally, federal agencies must provide the ACHP an opportunity to comment on such projects prior to the agency’s decision on them.

Section 106 review encourages, but does not mandate, preservation. Sometimes there is no way for a needed project to proceed without harming historic properties. But, Section 106 review does ensure preservation values are factored into federal agency planning and decisions. Because of Section 106, federal agencies must assume responsibility for the consequences of the projects they carry out, approve, or fund on historic properties and be publicly accountable for their decisions. In fact, federal project planning avoids adverse effects to historic properties the vast majority of the time. On average, out of around 100,000 federal projects reviewed by State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers each year, a very small percentage result in adverse effects to historic properties that would harm those qualities that make them eligible for the National Register.

The Section 106 process can result in great success with projects large and small. Consultation is a hallmark of the process. The success stories below provide specific examples of how the Section 106 process has been used successfully by the Department of Veterans Affairs to meet these goals.​​​ 

We want to hear from you about your favorite Section 106 Success Story!

Section 106 Success Stories illustrate how Section 106 of the NHPA has been used to engage people in the discussion about protecting historic properties that matter most to them. These stories provide examples of how federal agencies have used the Section 106 process to protect historic properties, improve federal planning, and raise awareness of the benefits of historic preservation. The 106 stories are used individually and as part of a collection to explain the benefits of this important program to the public, elected officials, federal agencies and preservation partners. The ACHP publishes these stories on a regular basis.

The success of the Section 106 process depends on the actions and involvement of many, and that is why we need to hear from you. Please send your nominations to

Please include the following information in your nomination. The ACHP will do the follow-up research to develop the stories that are selected, so lengthy information and documentation are not essential in your initial submission.

1. Project name:
2. Project description (include the lead federal agency):
3. Location (city, state):
4. Date of case (approximate):
5. How case was resolved (Memorandum of Agreement, ACHP comment, etc.):
6. Has it received any preservation awards or designations?
7. Why do you think the case was successful?

We look forward to hearing from you!