Washington, D.C. 

GSA PA for the Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings in the District of Columbia (1994) 

- GSA St Elizabeths Agreement Documents 

- GSA Southeast Federal Center Agreement Documents 

- GSA Old Post Office Agreement Documents  (PA, 2013; Amendment #1, 2023)


(DC agreements are listed in reverse chronological order)

- MOA for Alterations to the Trowbridge House, Washington, DC (2023)  

- PA Regarding the Interior Modernization of the USDA South Building, Washington, DC (2022) (Amendment to the MOA, 2016) 

- PA for the FBI Headquarters Consolidation, Exchange, and Redevelopment (2016)

- PA Regarding the Perimeter Security Improvement Project at the Harry S. Truman Building (2015)

- MOA Regarding the Perimeter Security Improvement Project at the American Pharmacists Association Headquarters Building (2013; Amendment 2018)

- MOA for DOS Harry Truman Building Marshall Wing Diplomacy Center Extension (2011)  

- MOA Regarding Site Improvements to the Mary E. Switzer Building (2011) 

- MOA Regarding the Modernization of the Herbert Hoover Office Building (2010) (First Amendment, 2013; Second Amendment, 2016)

- MOA Regarding Perimeter Security for the Federal Office Building 8 (2010)  

- PA for the Modernization of the Harry S. Truman Building Extension (2008)

- PA Regarding the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington DC, and On-Going Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic and Cultural Resources and Development Activities (2008)

- MOA for the Modernization of GSA Headquarters, National Office Building (2007) (First Amendment, 2011)

- MOA for the Modernization of Lafayette Building (2007) 

- MOA for the Disposal of the American Pharmacists Association (2007) 

- MOA Related to the Transfer of Parcel on Square 62 from GSA to American Pharmacists Association (2005)

- MOA Regarding the Construction of an Underground Parking Garage at the SW Corner of Judiciary Square (2004)  

- MOA Regarding the Construction of an Annex to and the Renovation of the E. Barrett Prettyman US Federal Courthouse (2001) 

- MOA for the Development of Parcel 457-C (2000) 

- MOA Regarding the Leasing and Rehabilitation of the Tariff Commission Building/General Post Office (2000) 

- MOA Regarding the Construction of a Building at 2025 E Street, N.W. in the District of Columbia (1999; Amendment #1, 2005) 

- MOA Regarding the Modernization of the Department of the Interior Headquarters Building (1996) 



- MOA for the FDA Consolidation Project at White Oak, Maryland (2002, replaced MOA from 2000)  



- PA Regarding the Implementation of the Revised Master Plan for the Consolidation of the Foreign Service Institute at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, Arlington, VA (2017)

- MOA for the Construction of the National Foreign Affairs Training Center, Arlington, VA (1989)