1. Publication
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    To coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the ACHP developed a newspaper insert that focuses on the importance of historic preservation and the historic preservation infrastructure that was created by the NHPA. The insert was developed in partnership with the History Channel and the Newspaper In Education Institute. It first appeared in the Washington Times.
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    The ACHP's triennial report to the President on federal property stewardship  
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    Upon the twentieth anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act, the ACHP issued a report on how the national preservation program might be improved. 
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    This illustrated report summarizes the findings of a 1979 ACHP study on the contributions of historic preservation activities to urban revitalization. The data were derived from studying four historic districts - Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia; The Strand in Galveston, Texas; the Savannah Historic District in Georgia; and Pioneer Square in Seattle, Washington. The report summarizes the esthetic, economic, and social benefits of historic preservation in each district. 
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    In March 2014, the ACHP published Managing Change: Preservation and Rightsizing in America, a report addressing rightsizing and historic preservation in America's legacy cities .It offers community leaders, local stakeholders, and government agencies valuable suggestions on using historic preservation tools and techniques that have proven effective in managing change and building strong, resilient communities.
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    This ACHP report from 1981 examines historic preservation tools that can be used to protect and revitalize neighborhoods. The study looks at: historic district ordinances; federal environmental review laws (including Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act); code enforcement; easements; revolving funds; property tax relief; federal tax incentives; and federal and nonprofit assistance.